Off WhatsApp

Drafting this article post lunch. I have been blogging a little actively but haven’t shared them anywhere since I got off from the only media I had – WhatsApp.

I’ve was off WhatsApp for more than a month to test if I was highly dependent on it only to realize I’m not. In fact, I barely felt FOMO because it made no difference. Few fyis here:

  1. My work does not require my availability on WhatsApp.
  2. I’ve stopped using UPIs. I spend in cash, debit / credit card or use account transfers.
  3. I heavily rely on public transport more than Ola / Uber since my Bachelor’s.
  4. I barely click pictures of my self or the place I’m at.

At this point, dumb phone or a smart phone didn’t make a lot of difference.

This is not the first time I was on a detox. I was off for 2 months last year when I received a wedding invitation on WhatsApp. No intimation over call. It was just on WhatsApp. By the time I installed the app, the wedding was over 2 weeks ago. Lol. Festivals and birthday wishes on texts, bad but understandable. Wedding invitations? Wooo. Something is really wrong with us. * Also, this depends on your dynamics with the person. *

Getting off WhatsApp created friction in communication – the kind of friction I liked. Just a day before Navaratri began, my smartphone broke while shooing a bat that flew right into my face while I was talking to Amma on the terrace. It fell from (20-30) ft and the screen smashed. Since then, I started using a dumb phone (again) for 20+ days until one of my dear friends recently (3 days ago from this post) gave me a spare phone that he didn’t needed.

  1. “What if somebody wants to know your location?” I call and tell them.
  2. “But why would you choose discomfort?” It is not. I feel we just got adapted and assume that it’s something we cannot live without.

I shall be off WhatsApp sooner. Partial transition has happened and the other half – letting people know – is in progress. No idea of how long I shall keep doing this but definitely as long as I can. ^_^

Wrapping this year fruitfully 😀

~ Tataa!

Penny: Do you want some Coffee?
Cooper: I’m sorry, coffee’s out of the question. When I moved to California I promised my Mother that I wouldn’t start doing drugs.

Published by Nikitha Addala

Proud Ambivert.

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