Corporate newbie

Drafting this article while sitting on my hostel’s tank. The full moon is pretty 😍

First time corporate experiences are one to talk about. It’s good for some or terrible to a few. Either way, we do learn a thing or 2 from first timers. Isn’t it? I, thankfully, learnt more than 2. Let me bullet them:

  • Working and showing your work are as different as preparing and presenting an exam. One can work hard (and smart) but if it’s not displayed about, it’s futile.
    • Document work/tasks as much as possible
  • In some situations, the reporting manager and assigned manager can be different. Hence, they might not be aware of your work.
    • Keeping them informed is solely your responsibility. Ownership and accountability aren’t taught; they should be imbibed within.
    • Also, Point 1 can help here.
  • “I don’t know but I shall learn”, “Can you please help?”, “I made a mistake. How can I fix it?” should be frequently used phrases at least in the first 2 months.
  • If you have a solution, then don’t complain. If you don’t have a solution, figure it out 🙂
  • Help help help. Why? Because you can! Knowledge is the best resource you can even give to a anyone.
  • You shall find a person who keeps bitching about people around. Find the one and stay 2 miles away from them.
  • Work skills alone won’t take you anywhere. Understand soft skills and use them wisely.
    • You can be the smartest person in the room but if people exit the room once you enter, game over ☠️
  • ‘No’ is different from ‘I’m sorry I can’t help with that’ although they mean the same. Communication matters. Effective communication shines.
    • “I don’t have enough bandwidth to accommodate the task” or “Can you please help me to allocate a time for the task in my calendar” are 2 sentences I’m aware of.
  • I read somewhere, “If you work without watching the clock, you can buy things without checking the price tag.”
    • Also caution, find your balance. It isn’t about equal parts. It’s about finding where you feel balanced. 🌻

Now that I reflect, I probably learnt little more than this in the beginning. Learnt a lot with things not working out more than the ones that worked out. Thankful to both of them 😄🙌

Also, please don’t forget to comment/rate the article. I’m probably writing after 4-5 months 🙏


P.S: I had a conversation with an intern in my PG who is unsure about her PPO. Hence, the article came up.

P.P.S: back to star gazing 😀

Published by Nikitha Addala

Proud Ambivert.

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