
Ich bin Nikitha Addala und ich blogge. It means ‘I’m Nikitha Addala and I blog’ in German. 🙈

My bestfriend clicked this picture. 😘
  1. I’m a Brahman and my family is a strict vegetarian. I consumed non-veg for 3-4 years until COVID-19 happened. Amma used to learn Veda chanting that time and I corrected her pronunciations occasionally (learnt in my school). Slowly, I got indulged towards learning Vedas and eventually stopped non-veg. Now, I do not consume anything that contains eggs either. Everything happened by choice – wasn’t forced to consume or to stop consuming.
  2. Way back in school, I was an atheist – because I thought it was cool to not follow the crowd. Now, I believe in what (some) people call a non-existing entity: GOD. In fact, I ardently worship Lord Shiva. I chant vedas, mantras and hymns frequently + fast on Saturdays. I’m very fond of mythology (esp. Mahabharatam).
  3. Last time I took a kid in my hands was in my 3rd Grade. I dropped her (she was in LKG) by mistake when she nearly lost an eye. Got thrashed for the first time that day. Since then, I have not taken babies in my hand under any (pressuring circumstances).
  4. I have a scar on my forehead that I’m fond of. In fact, each scar on my body has a childhood memory. Hence, I keep saying “Scars are beautiful!
  5. I’m not on social media platforms except LinkedIn. My phone is always silent. Neither my (close) friends nor my family rely on me in case of emergencies.
  6. A sunrise person who loves sunsets, handling finances, nutrition, sarees and dogs. I can strike balance between living in the moment and planning a future (more towards the former though 🙈)
  7. I never consumed alcohol, smoked a cigarette or went to pubs till date. They never enticed me rather disgusted me. My version of partying is cooking with friends with 2000’s songs, going on treks to watch the sun rise/set and occasionally night rights.
  8. I’m strict about making / keeping promises. Come what may, the promise shall never be broken. Similarly, I don’t promise until I’m really serious about it. Bheeshmaprathigna? Yes. I follow this.
  9. My parents struggled to teach me to respect elders because somehow, I always respected people for who they are than their age, money and societal status.
  10. I failed in a romantic relationship and a lot of friendships. The former taught me the kind of partner I want and the latter taught me life.

I don’t know about a lot of things but there’s no rush. Isn’t it?

~ Adios!

Published by Nikitha Addala

Proud Ambivert.

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