Update #25Feb23

Drafting this article after knitting for few minutes.

It’s been quite some time since I blogged and I haven’t planned to pen this either. Logged into my WordPress account, cleared old drafts that I wish to discontinue & cleared old blogs that I no longer intend to continue. Basically, I revamped my blog a little.

Highlights of 2023 (already) are:

  • Got into the Project Management Apprentice at Google. The training is for 2 years.
    • I shall blog about the training once in a while because I don’t want it to be around this alone.
  • Got my wisdom teeth removed.
    • my breakfast, lunch & dinner has been ice cream & fruit juices – I hate both of them 🤮
  • started a new hobby-knitting 😄

That’s it with the updates.

I’ve carved an assumption of ‘being the best’ at a hobby (blogging) and this affected my consistency. I started blogging with an intent to dump my knowledge & experiences under one roof but the moment I realized I was doing it ‘for the sake of blogging’ & to maintain weekly streaks, I stopped. Immediately.

Any hobby should make one feel stress-free and lively; not burdensome and withering.

I unlearned the concept of ‘best’ because I don’t want to be ‘the best’ anymore. I just want to be better than yesterday on any given day.

Hence moving forward:

  • I shall narrow down the content because I want to FOCUS on certain topics – not on anything & everything – that represents me in the most candid way possible.
  • I always blogged in the 11th hour (including this) & I wish to change that by planning posts ahead.
  • I shall post twice or thrice a month to ensure the quality of my blogs.

If I succeed to achieve this, I shall get a (dot com) domain which I’ve been planning to do for more than 2 years now.

No resolutions for 2023 yet but but but, I have few financial goals set for this year & I’ve been working on them religiously. Don’t know about the fruit but let’s sow some seeds? 😄

~Adios! I should check my options for dinner. I don’t want ice cream or fruit juices tonight. 😤

Published by Nikitha Addala

Proud Ambivert.

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