Gen Z are confusing!

“Members of Gen Z are those born between 1997 and 2015″ says Google. So, by definition, I belong to Gen Z *face palm*. I took few opinions about our generation and categorized them into likes, dislikes and uncategorized.

What is liked about our generation?

  • We question everything instead of following something blindly.
  • We are broad-minded compared to previous generations.
  • We raise our voices against what we believe is wrong without hesitations.
  • We want an identity of our own and live independently.
  • Our skillsets are improving year by year.
  • We’re more open to connecting with people through social media platforms, through various competitions and virtual events.
  • We explore a lot of opportunites before mastering one.
  • We are now considering mental health problems closely.
  • We prefer taking risks than regretting on an opportunity.

What is disliked about our generation?

  • We put in lots of efforts to appear “cool”.
    • There’s a difference between dressing up to look “cool” and dressing up for yourself. The later is absolutely fine. Same goes for drinking and smoking.
  • Partying = clubbing, dancing, drinking and smoking.
    • As much as this version of partying is appreciated, the opposite version (enjoying by cooking, reading a book, staying home…) is tagged ‘anti-social’.
  • Listening has become an underrated skill!
    • Most of us want to talk, talk and only talk!
  • Increasing rates of suicide shows that we are becoming weak mentally.
  • Morals are degrading year by year
  • We tend to judge a book by its cover by jumping to conclusions quickly.
  • We have the ability to avoid or cause less destruction to the environment by being more aware of the consequences yet, we don’t pay heed to our choices.
  • I’m still wondering what social media influencers are influencing that Notable people could not.
  • In the process of reaching our destiny, we are losing our character in the journey.
  • Go on a date or hangout with friends, the world has to know it through stories/status instantly.
    • Not even a day later. Privacy is a alienated concept.

Opinions I couldn’t categorise:

  • We support LGBTQ+ but at the same time, there’s racial bias and caste discrimination.
  • We do not yell at customer service like older gens do yet we do not have enough patience to deal with old people or toddlers.
  • We have trouble seeking help from knowns (relatives, cousins, family or friends) but can ask a stranger without any hesitation.
  • We have courage to participate in mass protests but we sort relationships issues virtually (instead of facing the person).
    • Relationship is a way in which two or more people/things are connected. Not dating alone.

The post looks more like I hate our generation because, I do. We are a generation of clever clowns. CLEVER CLOWNS. *sorry not sorry*

What are your thoughts on Gen Z?

~ Adios!

Published by Nikitha Addala

Proud Ambivert.

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